1.When the voltage and frequency of the paralel generator are greater than that ofthe grid, the pointer
of voltage difference and frequency diference should be defected to the direction of"+". fit is less than the voltage and freguency of the grid, the
pointer of voltage difference and freguency difference indicator should be deflected to the direction of "."
2.If the frequency of the generator to be combined is greater than the frequency of the grid, the pointer indicating the same period shal rotate clockwise; When the power grid
frequency is small, it should be rotated counterclockwise.
3.When the freguencyofthe paralel eenerator is within the range of 0.25-0.7Hz from thefreguency ofthe garid, and the voltaee is the same, the coresponding indication should be able to
rotate normally.
4.When the rated frequency of the instrumentis 50Hz and deviates to any frequency within the ranee of 48-52Hz, the chanee of indicating value of the instrument shall not exceed the
basic error.
5.When the voltage rating deviates from ±10%,the change in the indicating value of the instrument should not exceed the basic error.